Friday, March 30, 2012

when you aint enthsed: fake it!

i dont quite know what it is but my enthusiasm is down recently. i think ill just do as good old dave draper does and says, just drag your body to the little black weights and start pushing.
squat 20x125
calfraise 20x125
bench press 20x155
arnold press 20x35
seated dumbbell extension 20x35
kickbacks 20x35
dips 13
pushups 15
military press 3x65
and away we go
sqt and cr got to work on form. keep trying to get deeper. whatever i do dont quit.
bp one good one. the rest partials. never give up. it dont have to be pretty. it does have to be done
reading dave draper weekly column in between moves. boy he is prolific!
ap one really good one. the rest smaller and smaller partials.
sdbe cant wait til i switch to lying extensions so i get much further movement
dave goes on forever so if you want good insipration he has plenty for ya
kb that woke up the tris for sure!
d cant go down deep mostly because of my shoulder. its still good . kind of like reverse shrugs. i think my traps are getting bigger (ever sooooooo slowly)
pu  ok
mp very controlled. good movement and form.
total time about 45min
til next time
fred from nashville

Sunday, March 25, 2012

20 reps or else

trying to get back in the groove. my work hours and the extremely varied schedule does not help. but... modify and keep doing and trying.
deadlift 20x110
dumbbell curl 20x35
concentration curl 20x35
barbell curl 20X65
barbell row 20x65
hammercurll 20x25
dumbbell reverse grip bench press 20x35
crunch 95
military press 5x65
always reading dave draper and clarence bass while resting. its just that little bit of encouragement that counts
dl getting deeper. maybe the kettles help there too. well see
dbc what a mighty effort. whew!
cc still surprises me that my lft arm seems to do the exercise better. oh well
bbc yuk only 13. so i dom 7 after this round so that i do a total of 20
bbr knocked those puppies out. faster and higher each rep.
hc pretty good. slight popping of left shoulder. out of breath.
dbrbp boy what is going on! only 13? will have to do the 7 leftovers in a few minutes, i must be going backwards
c ok 100 is the eventual goal
mp wow perfectly executed.
round 2
bbc 7 well at least i finished with good form
dbrgbp 7 finally, did it. very good form.
hope to do better next time. it does remind me though that if i cant finish an exercise i can and will do another round til i reach 20 rep total.
total time about 70 minutes.
fred from nashville

Friday, March 23, 2012

way off schedule

well, im way off schedule this week. partly due to being sick feeling. got to keep getting enthused. not real happy with my results. dont get too discouraged. i plan to work on my weight in april. im about 175 now.need to get to 165.
2armswing 5,10,15lb and 16kg x10
1armswing "                       "
figure8       "                        "
front squat "                        "
fs decided to do first. boy are my thighs burning.also started heavy and went light
f8 started light to get the rythmn
2as mixed it up light heavier heavy medium
1as ok. did it backwards heavy to light.
since ive been doing my kettles my shoulder does not hurt as much. coincidence? full movement swings of the shoulder. dont know bu maybe its the kettles.
total time about half hour.
til next time

Sunday, March 18, 2012

smashed finger and all

last night i smashed the heck out of my finger. i dont know how or if i cand do todays routine. so this may be a very short blog
squat 20x125
calf raise 20x125
bench press 20x155
arnold press 20x35
seated dumbbell extension
kickback 20x35
dips 13
pushups 15
 military press 10x75
sqt and cr. struggled thru. not the right mind set but i did it. very shallow sqt
bp 1 partial the rest very partial. finger hanging in
ap. very crappy. one full the rest partials
sde just dontlike this limited movement. but ill keep doing it til it expires after 45 lbs
kb. just going thru the motions. better than just sitting on my butt
d since ive started using kettlebells this exercise does not kill my shoulder as bad
pu did them a little less wide stance . ok.
not so hot. just feeling weak today.
next time...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

using this as life's diary and its kb time again

i wish i had more folks peeking in. but its a great way to record what i was doing back when.
its kettlebell time again. very exhausting but really helps, i think
2 arm swing 5,10.15lb and 16kg x10
1arm swing  "                       "
figure 8        "                       "
front squat   "                       "
im building up enthusiasm to get started
2as im just feeling whimpy. boy does it hurt the back of thighs. and this is just the begining!
1as damn. its that final 16kg that just kills me. i hope i start getting better soon, gasping
f8 takes a few swings to get into the rythmn. kind of a rest to prepare the final and most brutal of all. which is the squat. i also switched the 16 kg to the begining since it the hardest.
s brutal with a capital b. i started with the heaviest and went down. legs darn near shaking
total time about 45 min
nest work out 20reps on my weight routine. im a struggler but im still struggling
fred from nashville

Monday, March 12, 2012

last of the 8s

ok, this is the last of the 8s and friday starts the 20 reps again with a different  number of weeks at each rep count. also, new exercises interspersed
deadlift 8x120
dumbbell curl 8x40
concentration curls 8x40
barbell curl 8x75
barbell row 8x75
hammer curl 8x30
dumbbell reversegrip benchpress
crunches 100
military press 5x75
inbetween exercises will read dave draper weekly column as my rest period
dl by doing the lighter weight i can go much deeper making it a more effective exercise. i also feel the kettlebells are helping a little on wednesdays
dbc oooomph. boy that will wake up the system!
cc fair form. a little fast
bbc struggle. cant weight til i do 20 reps. youch!
bbr pulling high high high. gets my shoulders attention which is feeling better
hc almost felt too light
dbrgbp another attention getter
c at my goal will be changing in a few weeks
mp 1 partial and 4 good ones
no excuses. at least get it done. does not have to be perfect just has to be done.
fred from nashville

Saturday, March 10, 2012

seems like forever and last of the 8s

this is the last of my 8 rep routines for several weeks. it busts me because of the greater weight but is also a rest since the reps are much lower. next week begins the 20s again. ouch! i did my kettlebells tuesday. today is saturday. seems like i have not exercised forever.
i also reiterate that reading a short inspiration from someone like dave draper or clarence bass between moves is helpful to me.
squat 8x135
calfraise 8x135
benchpress 8x165
arnold press 8x40
seated dumbbell 8x40
kickback 8x40
dips 14
pushups 16
military press 3x75
sqt and calfraise has the new kettlebell workouts helped me get one mm lower? maybe. feels like it.
bp still only partials but getting closer
ap mmmm... more like reverse shrugs the way i did them. but.... it will get better.
sdbe lying dumbbell extensions will be in my future for sure
kb funny, kettlebells have already helped me lift weights off the ground safer.
d   i think it works the deltoids and traps more than the triceps. maybe because i cant go deep enough.
pu just a nice exercise
mp 3 perfectly executed presses. this is important. i do it while i can. but i still try when i cant.
well, til next time
fred from nashville

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

overtraining or just kind of lazy

ok today is my second week of kettlebells. i sometimes wonder if im overtraining a little or just plain lazy. instead of being fired up im kind of hoping to get this over with. bad attitude or maybe not sure of myself. oh well, ill read dave draper in between movements . he always inspires, cajoles, etc
2 arm swing 5,10,15lb and 16kg x10
1arm swing "                                  "
figure 8         "                                  "
front squat     "                                  "
looks short, but for me it is brutal. in the future as i get better im going to switch to time swings.
2as brutal. really feel it in the back of thighs. wow dave is talking about not wanting to go to the gym. well, the end is that he will of course.
think ill do the squat next. start with the heavy and work light this time
s ooooh, the most brutal. at least i get very, very deep. much deeper than my regular barbell squats. hurts even more although my weight used about a quarter as much.
1as wow cant weight to get back to good ole mundane weights. this kb stuff is tough. panting like crazy. did switches in the air except for 16kg. accidentally added the 16kg this week. good for me.
f8 not sure what i think of this exercise. may replace it when i find something more "swingier".well, maybe not. nice rhythm developing, except for 16kg. total exercise about 25 minutes.
dont forget get up sometime this week.
til next time
fred from nashville

Sunday, March 4, 2012

drop weight get better!? we'll see...

ok. after all this time im dropping 30lbs off my dead lift. trying to give the body a break and at the same time improve its effectiveness. the other curls etc will actually be more weight.
deadlift 8x120
dumbbell curl 8x40
concentration curl 8x40
barbell curl 8x75
barbell row 8x75
hammer curl 8x30
dumbbell reverse grip bench press 8x40
crunch 100
military press 10x75
as part of my routines that follow roughly clarence bass im going thru the lower rep phase. in a week or 2 ill really pump it up and go to 20 reps.
dl oops accidentally did 130 instead of 120. no wonder it still hurt so much. next time it will be 120
dbc uuuuugh. not pretty but ok. woke my shoulder up for sure!
cc oops did 8x40 for hammers instead. yikes. im losing it
cc now i got it done. duhhhh
bbc definitely feeling it
bbr i dont think its enough time under tension but that will change sooooooooon
hhc already did see above.
dbrgbp never underestimate the weight. be mentally prpared to try good form and great effort
c 100 was my goal. in a couple of weeks ill switch exercises. im thinking kettle bells swings. 1st by reps and then later by time. probably start with 2 hand swing and then in the future 1 arm. we'll see.
mp very good partials. lowering to eye level. when reps drop movement will be fuller
made it! go forward and backward all the time but doing it no matter what (except illness)
like dave draper who just keeps on keepin on
fred from nashville


Friday, March 2, 2012

more weight, less reps

now im adding 5 lbs to the routines. i will be getting close to my record on a couple of lifts. a few weeks ago less weight and many more reps.
squat 8x135
calf raise 8x135
bench press 8x165
arnold press 8x40
seated dumbbell extension 8x40
kickback 8x40
dip 14
pushup 16
military press 5x70
i know ahead of time that my form and execution will be rotten on some of these moves. thats ok since in the future i will be changing weights .
sqt did not get deep at all.when i reach 150 lbs i will cut back by 30 lbs. as usual i combined with calf raises. so far, on my wednesday kettlebells i get way deeper. i guess thats why my legs still feel it a few days later.
bp not deep at all. also, getting used to heaviness. only have 5more lbs to go to reach goal.
ap got 1 good rep out of it. the rest just partials
sdbe wish i could longer motion out of it. i think lying extension may be the future
kb i needed to use more concentration. only went thru the motions. getting distracted.
d shoulder gets activated. wish i could do l dips. might try working up to it. what you hate to do the most you need the most.
pu just a great feeling exercise. aggravates shoulder but not much
mp have to admit very good form full extension and range of motion. next time may not be as good but ill take todays result
fred from nashville