today i will do my official record for deadlift. by others standards it laughable, but ive never done 150 lbs before. in a week or so ill drop 30lbs so i can do the move more properly. im also determined (at least mostly) work on doing at least 1 turkish get up. i might even have a gym look at my silly attempts.
also, 5 lb increase in this routine
deadlift 12x150
dumbbell curl 12x35
concentration curl 12x35
barbell curl 12x70
barbell row 12x70
hammer curl 12x25
dumbbell reverse grip bench press 12x35
crunch 95
military press 5x70
here i go. i exercised yesterday but im doing this anyway. muscle confusion and my work routine
dl darn thats heavy.also, runs me out of weight plates. i read a forum post inbetween exercises so im encouraged and rested between moves. today, that is ellington dardens posts
dbc felt pretty good actually. good form. a little fast but pretty controlled
cc not too bad. form ok but not quite complete movement. still, not bad
bbc very good effort. panting a little but good form. really feel it in bis. also sent an email to somemone on ellingtons site re kettlebells and the trouble im having trying to do the turkish getup
bbr never a problem so i concentrate on pulling higher.
hc an old friend revisited. very strict form
rgbp. good form. really feel it in chest.
c getting close to my goal of 100. will probably switch to kettlebell somethings then
mp good form and full extension. want to really stay with good form while i can
think ill play with some kettles for a few minutes.
total work out time today about 1hr 10m
fred from nashville
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