Friday, February 24, 2012

back to more standard routine and ohhh those kbs!

today i do my more standard routine. in fact, i do fewer reps so my body rests a little. next week ill add more weight. wednesday i did my first real kettlebell routine only using 5, 10 and 15 lb kbs. im still hurting!! i have an appointment with a rkc guru,david whitley, tueday to show me basic routine. very expensive but i am hoping worth it in the long run. also ordered a 35 lb kb which i think will really help me advance. sometimes im so naive. but keep on keeping on.
squat 8x130
calfraise 8x130
benchpress 8x160
arnold press 8x35
seated dumbbell extension 8x35
kickbacks 8x35
dips 13
push ups 15
military press 10x70
sqt and cr still not getting very deep. the reason my legs are still burning is because when i did my kb squats i went waaaaaay down
bp a lttle deeper. must be getting a little tougher.when i drop back 30lbs in a few weeks im betting that my form will be darn near perfect yet ill be 30lbs better than i was last year or so.
ap perfect form for 2 reps then worse and worse. still i feel a little stronger
sde no sweat (unfortunately). wish it had further movement.
kb pretty satisfying. pretty controlled. mimics one of the moves the va showed me for my shoulder.
d really feel it in my traps. its like shrugs. my shoulder still does not like it
pu such a great disciplined exercise. good form might be able to go a little deeper but not too bad
mp ist time since ive dropped weight i had to modify the exercise. started off with partials and got longer movements as i went along. also, did partials at the end.
well, dave draper would be proud. even though im still sore i soldiered on (brave lad)
til sunday.
fred from nashville

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