Wednesday, January 4, 2012

that special wednesday exercise routine oh boy!

its wednesday. time for the creative routine. i like to workout 3x week. sundays and fridays i follow my alternating exhaustive routine that is ongoing. but wednesdays!!!!... i use a dumbbell routine for 6 weeks at a time. this happens to be the last week of this rotation so next week will start a new innovative tortuous, fun (?), semi cardio weight routine.
     if you check out the old school lifters they generally had a routine that they did day in day out, year in year out. the key variation being progressive poundage. nowadays, you will see more and more variation. check out clarence bass, logan franklin, even dave draper. btw, these guys all have their own great websites which i readily admit are my major inspirations. we go: this routine only consists of 2 sets but they are non stop with only a rest between sets.
dumbbell squat 35lbs ea arm x10
stiffleg deadlift 35x10
calfraise 120barbellx20
bp 35x10
milpress 30x10
1arm row 35x10
concentration curls 30x10
kickback 30x10
few minutes later :  oooooph! still panting or should i say gasping. who said you cant use weights for cardio. in fact you can check out the info about this on the web.
also, i admit that on the "milpress" i actually am doing alternating arms. well, what do you expect? im just an average guy.
yea! i made it. i try to keep my form good since these weights are pretty light, but, whatever, if i have to get a little sloppy so be it. dont stop keep going!
if you want insight from a former mr universe, check out dave draper. his main message seems to be to keep lifting no matter what.  he uses intuitive lifting now which seems to mean, do a routine with moves that you are inspired to do at the moment. of course, hes been lifting about 50 years!
thats it for now

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