Sunday, January 15, 2012

back to back but ohhh so good!

i just exercised yesterday so i should not do it today. however, because of my work schedule im not resting today. if you do back to back all the time it would not be good.  sometimes just shocking the muscles by doing something different is ok, though. yesterday was what i call a mostly pushing day while today will be a mostly pulling day
     the other good thing that im excited about is dropping some weight and doing better form. i like this cuz  i will have much more movement and will feel the whole move better than just tossing heavy weights around on the borderline of injury and discouragement.
deadlift 8x150
dumbbell curl 8x30
concentration curl 8x30
barbell curl 8x70
barbell row 8x70
inverted row 50
dumbbell reverse grip benchpress 8x30
crunches 90
military press 3x70
deadlift one of my very weakest moves. i will be dropping significant weight next rotation. i need to get deeper and in more control of the weight. for an inspiration ill read dave drapers weekly blog. just down to earth and keeps on trucking
dumbbell curls great form today if i do say so myself. it is hard to say but proper full movement makes the targeted muscles feel it more than just tossing it.
concentration curl just feels comfy but i really am concentrating on good form and exaggerated full movement done fairly slowly
barbell curl more stressful than i thought but at least no cheating. strict form.
barbell row using shoulder width grip. lifting as high as i can since the weight is so light for this exercise
inverted row ill be changing this out next rotation
dumbell reverse grip bench press just a strange different move i picked up on the internet
crunches my goal is eventually 100 then ill think of another movement. ooooph that smarts
overhead press if you look through the web youll see that many many lifters recommend overhead presses. so i do incorporate this move. now i will have better control (i hope). yeah, i did have much better form. it also feels good to do full movements instead of partials at the outer limit of safety
    thats about it for this diary
fred from nashville

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