hi folks! just thought i would start a blog about my exercise adventures.
who am i? just an average 67 yrold guy who has been exercising for about 12 years. what makes my blog different is that im an average guy, not an athelete. what i plan to do here is just give my personal advice, suggestions, routines, heroes and other extraneous stuff that i hope will inspire or help others who want to start exercising or have their own routines they want to share.here is my first entry:
well today i did my routine that consisted of 1 set each of the following
barbell squat 8x135
calf raise 8x135
benchpress 8x155
arnold press with dumbbells 8x25
seated dumbbell extensions 8x25
kickbacks 8x25
dips 11
pushups 13
military press 10x100
any comments etc greatly appreciated, especially from folks trying to get started
fred from nashville